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Innovation practices need to be nurtured to produce innovative, creative future generations

Innovation practices need to be nurtured to produce innovative, creative future generations

Wednesday, 21/06/2023

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The progress that is enjoyed today is the work of a group of thinkers that have always been attempting to innovate to improve products or make work processes able to be completed more effectively and efficiently.

An innovation culture must be instilled among students in order for the country to continue to have a variety of quality products that can benefit society and the environment.

By definition, innovation means methods of findings ways to create better products or services whether through modifications or improvements.

It is generated from creative and innovative ideas relating to aspects of work that can improve the quality and productivity of organisations.

Generally, innovation encompasses any changes in the forms of systems and procedures, methods and ways of working, and even technological introductions.

Innovation is the main aspect that helps an organisation remain progressive and competitive. An innovation culture is seen as able to catapult the performance of companies or organisations to the optimum level if all staff work creatively and innovatively as a team for improvement. In addition, innovation products created can become a source of income for organisations if the products can successfully penetrate the market.

Based on a study carried out by Microsoft and IDC, roughly 77 percent of business entrepreneurs in Malaysia emphasize innovation and it is a must for them to quickly respond to market challenges and opportunities in line with the effort by Malaysia to adapt and build business stability to face the challenging environment.

In support of the cultivation of innovation among society especially students, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) has drafted several initiatives whereby all faculties and research institutes are asked to organize various types of programmes related to innovation.

Faculty of Ocean Engineering Technology and Informatic (FTKKI) lecturer Dr. Siti Norbakyah Jabar said innovation practices need to be inculcated among students as preparation for the work world.

“To continue the generation of innovation on a consistent basis, FTKKI has organised an innovation competition based on Sustainable Development Goals (SDG),” said Dr. Siti Norbakyah, who was present at the Mini Exhibition EDI 2023.

“This event is the best platform for students to hone their minds and show their talents and ability to create and plan systematically.

In fact, according to Dr. Siti Norbakyah, the programme helps with the creation of a variety of ideas and solutions that can be practised in everyday lives that are in line with the environmental conservation.

“The world in this era of technological explosion needs individuals who are open-minded and can generate various ideas that not only benefit the industry but solve problems related to society, lives, and the environment.

She added programmes that encourage innovation need to be varied and supported by various parties including the corporate sector to produce future generations that are able to steer the country towards a better direction.

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Universiti Malaysia Terengganu